Truding Sweden AB

Tony Truding: tel. mob. +46 762 503 503
Ö. Kalkbrottsgränd 34, 216 12 Malmö

  • Volvo

    FM 2012 – zabudowa JOAB

  • Volvo

    FM 2012

  • Vovlo

    FM 2012

Handelsfirman Truding Sweden is a company that operates in Sweden continuously since 1990.
We sell trucks, specialized vehicles and we are also introducing a modern and extremely economical system, SPRIDER, to the Polish market. SPRIDER is designed by Scandinavian engineers and manufactured in Sweden.

In our offer we have municipal vehicles (garbage trucks), SPRIDER that is a vehicle with a device for spreading asphalt and gravel sprinkling, CNG vehicles such as cars and trucks.

Why buy from us?

Please look at our selection and if you have any suggestions, requests or questions please do not hesitate to contact us, we will do our best to answer it to your satisfaction.

Tony Truding and Stanislaw Lewandowski